Inclusive Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Passion

Image of a manager leading a team in discussion of Inclusive Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Passion training.
Image of a manager leading a team in discussion of Inclusive Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Passion training.
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Inclusive Leadership: Leading with Purpose and Passion

from $1,765.00

3-part webinar, each session lasting 90 minutes

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This three-part webinar series is designed to address the pressing issues of inclusion that disturb CEOs and HR leaders the most. Each 90-minute session will delve into critical aspects of inclusive leadership, focusing on creating a culture of belonging, leveraging diversity for innovation, and sustaining inclusive practices.

Session 1: "Building a Culture of Belonging"

Week 1 - 90 Minutes

Objective: Understanding the fundamentals of inclusive leadership and building a culture where everyone feels they belong.


  1. Introduction and Welcome (10 minutes)

    • Address the critical risks of ignoring inclusive leadership.

    • Highlight the cost of exclusion and disengagement in the workplace.

  2. The Power of Belonging (20 minutes)

    • Discuss the detrimental effects of a lack of belonging on employee morale and retention.

    • Examine how exclusion leads to decreased productivity and innovation.

  3. Interactive Poll: Current State of Inclusion (10 minutes)

    • Participants share their experiences and perspectives.

    • Immediate feedback on the potential losses from inadequate inclusion.

  4. Key Principles of Inclusive Leadership (20 minutes)

    • Delve into the biases that undermine leadership effectiveness.

    • Strategies to counteract unconscious bias and prevent costly mistakes.

  5. Breakout Sessions: Sharing Experiences (15 minutes)

    • Small group discussions on personal challenges and the negative impacts of exclusion.

    • Sharing insights with the larger group to prevent common pitfalls.

  6. Actionable Steps to Build Belonging (15 minutes)

    • Practical strategies to avoid the high costs of a non-inclusive culture.

    • Developing a personal and organizational action plan to mitigate risks.

  7. Q&A and Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

    • Open floor for questions and deeper discussion on avoiding losses.

    • Preview of the next session and homework assignments.

Session 2: "Leveraging Diversity for Innovation"

Week 2 - 90 Minutes

Objective: Exploring how diversity drives innovation and how leaders can harness this power to avoid stagnation and decline.


  1. Recap and Welcome (10 minutes)

    • Brief recap of the previous session’s key points on the risks of exclusion.

    • Setting the stage for today’s focus on the potential losses from ignoring diversity.

  2. The Business Case for Diversity (20 minutes)

    • Present research and statistics on the competitive disadvantages of homogeneous teams.

    • Case studies of companies that suffered from a lack of diversity.

  3. Interactive Activity: Diversity Brainstorm (20 minutes)

    • Participants brainstorm diverse solutions to a common business problem.

    • Group discussion on the lost opportunities from ignoring diverse perspectives.

  4. Harnessing Diverse Perspectives (20 minutes)

    • Techniques for inclusive brainstorming and decision-making to prevent costly oversights.

    • Encouraging marginalized voices to avoid the risks of groupthink.

  5. Breakout Sessions: Action Planning (15 minutes)

    • Groups create plans to implement diversity-driven innovation to avoid stagnation.

    • Sharing strategies and commitments to mitigate the risks of uniform thinking.

  6. Practical Tools and Resources (10 minutes)

    • Introduction to tools and resources that support diversity and prevent missed opportunities.

    • Tips for continuous improvement and maintaining momentum.

  7. Q&A and Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

    • Addressing questions from participants on avoiding the costs of non-inclusivity.

    • Teaser for the final session and homework assignments.

Session 3: "Sustaining Inclusive Practices"

Week 3 - 90 Minutes

Objective: Ensuring that inclusive practices are sustainable and integrated into the organizational culture to avoid long-term losses.


  1. Recap and Welcome (10 minutes)

    • Summary of key takeaways from previous sessions on the risks of exclusion and lack of diversity.

    • Objectives for sustaining inclusive practices to avoid long-term detrimental impacts.

  2. Embedding Inclusion in Organizational Culture (20 minutes)

    • Strategies for integrating inclusion into policies and everyday practices to prevent cultural decay.

    • The critical role of leadership in sustaining an inclusive culture to avoid employee turnover and disengagement.

  3. Interactive Exercise: Inclusion Audit (20 minutes)

    • Participants conduct a mini-audit of their current practices to identify risky gaps.

    • Identifying areas for improvement and immediate action to prevent potential losses.

  4. Developing Inclusive Leaders (20 minutes)

    • Training and development programs tailored for fostering inclusive leadership to avoid future leadership crises.

    • Mentorship and sponsorship initiatives to support diverse talent and prevent attrition.

  5. Breakout Sessions: Long-Term Strategy (15 minutes)

    • Groups develop long-term plans for sustaining inclusive practices to avoid long-term systemic issues.

    • Sharing and refining strategies to ensure continuous growth and mitigate risks.

  6. Measuring Success and Impact (10 minutes)

    • Key metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of inclusion efforts to prevent wasted resources.

    • Techniques for gathering continuous feedback and adapting strategies to avoid stagnation.

  7. Final Q&A and Series Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

    • Open floor for final questions and reflections on avoiding losses.

    • Encouragement and next steps for ongoing development and commitment to prevent future risks.