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How To Manage A Polarized Workforce

How To Manage A Polarized Workforce

Summary. Managing diverse perspectives is one of the most difficult challenges leaders face, and given the heightened political tensions and movements such as #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, this is more difficult than ever. Nonetheless, high-functioning teams and organizations require constructive disagreement and engagement with opposing perspectives. How can leaders foster passionate debate while also maintaining collaboration and trust?

Using research conducted by Woods Kovalova Group, we advise leaders on how to approach disagreements in a productive manner and how to assist employees of all levels. Training that defuses fears of disagreeing (it's usually not as unpleasant as we anticipate); encourages people to cultivate a receptive mindset by, for example, intentionally considering information from the opposing perspective; teaches people to choose words carefully, hedge claims, and emphasize areas of agreement; and fosters a culture of tolerance through actions and tone. Developing these skills takes time and effort, but the decrease in frustration and negativity is well worth the effort.

It has become increasingly common in businesses and organizations for employees to be entrenched in opposing positions on important issues. While this type of passionate engagement can help generate creative solutions, it can also lead to hard feelings or toxicity within the workforce if it's not managed correctly. As a leader, handling a polarized workforce requires mastering the delicate balancing act between encouraging vigorous debate and preserving harmony among your team members. In this blog post, we'll provide insights into strategies for managing a contentious and highly opinionated environment while helping you create an atmosphere where productive dialogue and collaboration are possible.

Establish clear guidelines for respectful discourse

In today's world, establishing clear guidelines for respectful discourse is more critical than ever. With topics becoming increasingly controversial and the rise of social media making it easier to spew hate anonymously, it's crucial to set the tone for how we interact. As an authority figure in your community, it's essential to create spaces where everyone feels included, respected, and safe. By laying out clear guidelines for respectful discourse, you promote healthy and productive conversations and create an environment where everyone's voice can be heard and valued. It's not always easy, but setting expectations and holding people accountable for their behavior is necessary assuming we want to build a more inclusive society.

Encourage employees to ask questions and challenging ideas

An organization is only as strong as its employees. That's why it's essential to encourage them to ask questions and challenge ideas respectfully and productively. A healthy culture of dialogue leads to more significant innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. Being open to new ideas and perspectives, companies can foster an environment that values collaboration and critical thinking. It's crucial for management to not only welcome but actively seek out opposing viewpoints to make informed decisions for the company's and its customers' benefit. When employees feel heard and valued, they'll be invested in their work and vastly more motivated to create positive change.

Promote empathy and understanding of different perspectives

Promoting empathy and understanding of different perspectives is essential. By opening our minds to these myriad perspectives, we can learn to appreciate the diverse opinions, beliefs, and experiences that make up the human experience. But this isn't always an easy task. It takes a willingness to listen, learn, and put aside our biases and preconceived notions. It takes empathy and a genuine desire to understand others. However, with patience, compassion, and a little effort, we can all learn to engage with the world more openly and inclusively. So let's take the first step toward greater understanding and listen to the voices that are often silenced or ignored.

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Provide safe spaces for people to express opposing views

Creating safe spaces for people to express opposing views is crucial for open communication, mutual understanding, and personal growth. It requires a culture of respect, empathy, and listening grounded in recognizing that diverse perspectives exist. When we actively seek out the opinions of others, particularly those with whom we disagree, we gain valuable insights that challenge our preconceived notions and assumptions. Therefore, we must prioritize building safe environments where people can communicate without fear of judgment or ridicule. Such spaces facilitate dialogue, foster mutual understanding, and cultivate deeper relationships. Let's commit to fostering these environments everywhere, from our homes to our workplaces, in pursuit of a world that values hearing and engaging with differing viewpoints.

Celebrate diversity of thought and collaboration between different teams and departments

As a society, we often celebrate diversity of culture, race, and gender. However, it is equally important to celebrate diversity of thought in the workplace. When individuals from different backgrounds and experiences come together, innovative ideas can be generated, and solutions can be found that would have been impossible with a homogenous group. Collaboration between different teams and departments can further enhance this effect, as individuals with different skill sets and knowledge bases can bring unique perspectives and work towards a common goal. Organizations must recognize the value of diversity of thought and encourage collaboration between all team members. In doing so, they can foster a culture of creativity, inclusivity, and success.

Enforce strict rules around harassment, abuse, and discrimination

We must take compulsory steps to ensure that harassment, abuse, and discrimination have no place in our communities. It's not enough to condemn these behaviors; we must enforce strict rules to deter individuals from engaging in them. By implementing clear guidelines and consequences for those who violate them, we can create a safer and more equitable world for everyone. We must recognize the damaging effects that harassment, abuse, and discrimination have on individuals and our society as a whole. We must hold ourselves accountable for educating others, addressing problematic behaviors, and advocating for justice. Working together can create a culture prioritizing respect and equality for all.

Creating an environment that encourages diverse thinking and productive disagreement can be daunting. However, if leaders take the time to set clear guidelines for respectful discourse and promote empathy for different perspectives, their teams will be able to engage in healthy, open dialogue that pushes them to new heights. Ultimately, building a culture of collaboration and celebrating diversity of thought should be a top priority for any organization looking to foster creativity and innovation. If leaders implement strict rules against abusive or discriminatory behavior, they will have an environment where individuals feel safe expressing themselves without fear of judgment. With the right mindset and effective leadership techniques, any team can unite to pursue common goals, regardless of where their ideas originated.

Image courtesy of Nathanaël Desmeules @nathanael240606

About Jim Woods
Jim Woods is the President & CEO of Woods Kovalova Group, a diversity, equity & inclusion expert who helping organizations for over 20 years. He knows how to create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued – no matter who they are or their background. His work with Fortune 500 companies such as Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and Boeing demonstrates that he understands how major companies operate.

With this level of expertise, you can be confident that Jim will help your organization reach its goals of creating a safe and equitable workplace. In addition, his strategies have proven successful in inspiring corporate cultures worldwide to pursue true transformation toward anti-racism and social change within their ranks.

Reach out today to learn how partnerships with Jim’s team at Woods Kovalova Group can make meaningful changes in your organization’s culture!