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Rethinking Diversity Training: Why L&D Leaders Must Embrace New Approaches to Combat Tokenism

Recently, an L&D professional proudly declared that their company’s diversity training was entirely managed in-house, dismissing the need for external input. While this might seem efficient, it raises significant concerns about the depth and breadth of such training, especially if those designing it are limited by internal echo chambers and myopic views. Internal echo chambers occur when ideas and perspectives are recycled within a homogenous group, leading to a narrow and often skewed understanding of diversity issues. Myopic views refer to the limited vision that arises from a lack of diverse experiences and insights. This article serves as a clarion call to HR leaders and CEOs: to achieve genuine diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), organizations must adopt innovative and insurgent approaches that break free from these internal limitations.

A Cautionary Tale: The Perils of In-House Myopia

Consider the story of GlobalTech, a multinational corporation that prided itself on its in-house diversity training program. Led by a white L&D manager, the training sessions focused primarily on compliance and basic cultural awareness. The program featured a few success stories of minority employees, aiming to inspire others. However, these stories, lacking broader context, came across as tokenism. Employees from underrepresented groups felt their experiences and challenges were not truly understood or addressed. As a result, the company's DEI efforts stagnated, and minority employees felt increasingly alienated.

GlobalTech’s experience underscores the limitations of a myopic, in-house approach to diversity training. Without diverse perspectives and innovative strategies, such efforts risk reinforcing tokenism rather than dismantling it.

The Case for Insurgent Approaches

To move beyond tokenism and foster genuine inclusion, L&D leaders must embrace new, insurgent approaches to diversity training. Here’s why and how:

1. Diverse Perspectives Matter

In-house training programs often reflect the biases and blind spots of their creators. Bringing in external experts, particularly those from underrepresented groups, ensures that the training material is informed by a wider range of experiences and insights. These experts can highlight systemic issues and offer fresh perspectives that internal teams might overlook.

For example, partnering with a diversity consultancy or collaborating with organizations that specialize in DEI can infuse your training with real-world insights and cutting-edge practices. This helps create a more comprehensive and impactful program.

2. Innovation and Best Practices

External partners can introduce innovative approaches and best practices from various industries. They bring a wealth of experience in what works and what doesn’t, helping you avoid common pitfalls. For instance, instead of relying solely on success stories, they might recommend strategies like immersive storytelling, interactive workshops, and ongoing mentoring programs to foster genuine understanding and inclusion.

3. Addressing Systemic Challenges

Effective diversity training goes beyond celebrating individual achievements; it tackles systemic challenges head-on. External experts can help identify and address these barriers, ensuring that your DEI initiatives are not just about compliance but about creating real change. This might include training on unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, and equitable hiring practices.

4. Creating a Culture of Inclusion

A truly inclusive culture is one where every employee feels valued and heard. This requires more than occasional training sessions; it demands a sustained commitment to listening, learning, and evolving. External voices can challenge your organization to continually reassess and improve its DEI practices. They can facilitate open dialogues, support employee resource groups (ERGs), and provide ongoing coaching and support.

5. Celebrating Collective Achievements

Avoid the tokenism trap by celebrating collective achievements rather than isolated success stories. Use data to highlight progress across the organization. Share stories of team accomplishments and departmental milestones, showing how diverse teams drive innovation and success. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and emphasizes that success is a shared endeavor.

The Woods Kovalova Group Advantage

The Woods Kovalova Group’s insurgent approach to HR and diversity has been a game-changer for organizations in over 41 countries. Their strategy is built on a foundation of deep expertise and a commitment to transformative change. Here’s why partnering with the Woods Kovalova Group can revolutionize your DEI efforts:

  • Global Expertise: With experience across diverse cultures and industries, the Woods Kovalova Group brings a wealth of knowledge and best practices to your organization.

  • Innovative Solutions: Their cutting-edge strategies are tailored to address the unique challenges of each organization, ensuring impactful and sustainable DEI initiatives.

  • Systemic Focus: The group excels in identifying and dismantling systemic barriers, creating a truly inclusive environment where every employee can thrive.

  • Comprehensive Approach: From leadership training to employee engagement, their holistic approach ensures that DEI is embedded into the very fabric of your organization.

  • Proven Track Record: With a legacy of success stories from around the world, the Woods Kovalova Group’s methods are tested and proven to drive real, measurable change.


For HR leaders and CEOs, the path to genuine diversity, equity, and inclusion requires an insurgent approach that embraces new ideas and diverse perspectives. Relying solely on in-house training, especially when designed by individuals with limited perspectives, risks perpetuating tokenism and stalling progress. By partnering with external experts, addressing systemic challenges, and fostering a culture of inclusion, organizations can create meaningful and lasting change.

In today's complex and diverse world, DEI is not a one-time project but a continuous journey. Embracing innovative and insurgent approaches ensures that this journey leads to a workplace where every employee feels empowered, valued, and included. It’s time for L&D leaders to break free from the confines of in-house myopia and open the door to new possibilities in diversity training. By collaborating with the Woods Kovalova Group, you can lead the way in creating a truly inclusive and equitable workplace.