Homogeneity Is Not A Strategy for The Banking Sector

More of the same?

While team diversity is vital, it is inclusion and belonging that unlock its power. To achieve our full potential, we must all believe we have an equal chance of success and be valued for who we are. And when we feel like we belong, we succeed as a team.

How an indigenous man was criminalized when seeking to open an account

What should have been a routine contact suddenly escalated, and she ended up phoning the cops—an overreaction that effectively branded Johnson as a criminal element when all he wanted to do was assist his granddaughter in opening a bank account. This demonstrates racial inequity in the banking sector.

Can attaching executive pay to recruiting more Black talent make a difference?

Companies have posted messages on Twitter and Instagram. They have held listening meetings with employees. They have made vows to buy more from Black-owned firms. A few companies are contemplating further showing how much they want to increase diversity and inclusion by paying their senior managers to adapt or cut back their total compensation if they fail to perform.

How Managers Can Promote Inclusion

At this moment, leaders and managers are scrambling to figure out how to respond to the Black Lives Matter movement and learn more about how they can be anti-racist. From revisiting hiring practices to organizing internal conversations about race and allyship, there’s now a pressure to act quickly in industries thus far moved pretty slowly when it comes to investing in inclusion.

Ending The Bureaucracy That Threatens Inclusion

Our organizations change with the same expediency we change; when we trade acceptance for outrage. Now is the time for us to admit what we have known for a very long time: corporations are at odds with our values in how they treat the people whose lives they devour.

How To Handle The Coddling Employee

Being a manager, you perhaps want to give all your employees more attention. However, sometimes, some employees tend to need more of your time than others. It could be that they frequently ask you to examine their work, seek constant feedback, or repeatedly show up to chat with you. Consequently, what should you do about the needy employee on your team? How are you expected to balance being a responsive manager with the need to get your work completed?

How HR Can Build An Ethical Workplace Culture

Today human resources professionals spend much time working to create a respectful work environment. Indeed, their tireless efforts should be applauded. Of course, much of that effort is needed to stay in compliance with anti-discrimination and additional workplace regulations. But what if a genuine focus on ethics extends beyond legal conformity?

8 Ways you can create a sense of belonging

Several years ago, executives at Citigroup, with the entire global organization, shared Livestream in 96 countries personal stories that resonated powerfully. For example, one executive described how, at an earlier time in her career, she had consistently avoided disclosing that she never attended college. She stated that whenever the conversation turned to ‘what school did you attend,’ she evaded answering, or she would change the subject.

4 Ways Leaders Can Promote Collaboration

Workplace collaboration is frequently compared to an orchestra preparing for a concert. Musicians rehearse with their instruments. However, when they perform together, they deliver a remarkable sound surpassing what any individual could do unaided. This builds an inclusive team where high trust levels attract, retain, and increase performance. Teambuilding becomes remarkably easier.

Why has diversity become useless?

How could the word "Diversity" become a verb for inaction and apathy? A word now confounded that its meaning is lost. Exactly how did it go from communicating something fervent to cynicism and suspicion? The answer is found through a combination of overuse, ambiguity, inertia, and narcissistic purposes.

Are You Exhausted With Talks On Diversity & Inclusion? Try These 8 Steps!

Along with others in your role, you transitioned deftly to focus on diversity, equity, inclusion efforts. However, the exhaustion of seeing little to no return on investment is causing fatigue. DE&I is surprisingly uncomfortable for many. It's merely another strategy. Most leaders and employees view such programs as a nice to have that do not apply to them personally nor to their business mandates.

Are you irritated by your anti-racism strategy?

Everyone in your company is responsible for establishing and maintaining an inclusive workplace. Although we focus on the role of human resources and managers, this must not be at the detriment of the personal responsibility we all need to tackle racism in our organization. A systemic, holistic approach is required to address the grassroots causes of prejudice and discrimination – from all of us. This is something for all of us to bear in mind and help encourage.

3 Ways HR Can Advance Underrepresented Employees

Good intentions aren’t nearly enough to fix bias in the workplace. HR and diversity, equity, and inclusion leaders are responsible for evaluating the systems and processes that systematically dissuade equal opportunities.

Cloaking Racism With Patriotism

Human resources have the ability to change the tenor of race, biases, and prejudices against all groups of an organization. However, HR is laced with bigots who subtlely propagate their own biases instead of honoring the code. HR, learning and development, and recruiting managers should, above all else, be leaders. Rather than intent to catch people "messing up,

How Culture Builds A Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

The most progressive organizations understand the importance of focusing on improving their employee experience by fostering employee engagement has on retention.

Owing to a shrinking labor market, workers have far more alternatives and are changing jobs to accept diversity in lifestyles. Those are the jobs where employees feel they have opportunities to grow and advance their careers.

Changing The Unchangeable Person

Steve Jobs is famously remembered for his changing the lives of people with the intensity of his principles. The key to his greatness was his ability to convince people of his way of thinking. What is not spoken of is that Apple's enormous success was Steve Jobs's team that pushed him to reconsider his views. Had Jobs not encircled himself with capable people who could change his mind, he likely would not have made the contribution to the world that he did.