Building Trust In Times of Tumult

As we look around us, times are tumultuous. Political divisions abound, our institutions feel weakened, and trust -- in each other, government, and businesses -- falters. It feels like the ties of society have been unmoored; much of our security evaporate with every shifting eddy. Building trust now more than ever is crucial for growth. But how can we do it? Learn how to build trust, authentic leadership, and integrity in uncertain times. Discover evidence-based strategies that will help you navigate today's volatile environment.

The Rise of The Toxic Leader

This blog post aims to shed light on this devastating trend, explore its roots and consequences, and identify potential paths to take action against it. We will delve into some key concepts, such as the link between power dynamics and toxicity, identifying toxic leaders before they cause harm, and responding when faced with one.

How To Manage A Polarized Workforce

As a leader, handling a polarized workforce requires mastering the delicate balancing act between encouraging vigorous debate and preserving harmony among your team members. In this blog post, we'll provide insights into strategies for managing a contentious and highly opinionated environment while helping you create an atmosphere where productive dialogue and collaboration are possible.

Unveiling Chick-fil-A's Revolutionary Culture of Belonging: What's the Fuss?

While some have applauded Chick-fill-A’s shift as a thoughtful stance reflecting progress, others are accusing the beloved brand of adopting "woke culture," – prompting an essential conversation about where brands should draw the line when advocating social justice. In this blog post, we'll dive into why Chick-fil-A is drawing fire over its pursuit of creating a culture of belonging – from both sides of the debate – so you can form your opinion on the issue.

What Does The Term "Woke" Mean For Business?

In this blog post, we explore why we must understand the term itself and evaluate how businesses can best support individuals within marginalized groups by creating effective plans and implementing long-term strategies around workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Race in the Workplace: The Frontline Employee Experience

No one should be excluded from opportunities to advance professionally. But advancement is far from fair in many American workspaces, especially for the frontline workers whose concerns are often ignored or pushed aside. In this blog post, we'll discuss why this situation exists and what employers can do better to support these workers of color on the frontline.

The Workplace Impact of Racism Against Black Women's Hair

Learn how racism towards Black women’s hair in the workplace can have a devastating impact on their lives and careers. Uncover why this prejudice is still so prevalent, and discover ways employers can help protect their employees from race-based discrimination.

What's holding inclusion back? The leaders' behavior.

The number of diverse and inclusive workplaces has grown recently, but many workers face exclusion daily. Then why has inclusion been so slow to develop? According to studies, this could be because of how leaders act. Fear-based barriers prevent leaders from having difficult conversations, which is essential to creating an inclusive culture. Read on how to overcome these roadblocks and implement real change at your company.

The Power Dynamics of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

From workplace sexual harassment policies to #MeToo campaigns, explore how bad leaders, managers and incompetence often fuel an environment where sexual harassment remains a common occurrence. Learn more about the power dynamics between men and women in many workplaces today.

Managers, Women, and Menopause In the Workplace

This blog post is designed to increase awareness of how managers and organizations can best support women during menopause by promoting open dialogue, establishing meaningful career development opportunities, creating flexible work arrangements, and more. By taking action today, we can ensure that employers provide a supportive environment where every woman feels respected regardless of her age or stage of life.

Uncovering the Actual Cost of Short-Changing Diversity and Inclusion

Discover how cutting back on resources for Diversity and Inclusion initiatives can negatively impact your business, from lost productivity to decreased employee satisfaction. Learn why investing in DEIB programs is essential for long-term success.

Trust Comes Before Leading

To be an effective leader, you must learn how to encourage trust and open communication among your employees while setting clear goals and parameters for their work. In this post, we'll discuss how leaders can foster an atmosphere where teams are willing to work together despite disagreements or divergent opinions by emphasizing, first and foremost, the importance of building trust among members.

Why Great Teams Work Together, and Others Don't

Want to win by working with others? Are you trying to improve workplace relationships by getting people to talk to one another and work together? Building a strong team takes time and energy; successful teams are never a fluke. A team's success depends on many factors, but among the most important are the existence of well-defined goals and a dedication to achieving them through cooperative effort. In this article, we'll examine the importance of teamwork and the factors that contribute to its success and discuss tactics for building a cohesive unit.

What To Do About The Pervasive Reality of Anti-Black Racism In Canada

Canada is a multicultural nation, yet pervasive discrimination exists for many Black Canadians. Learn about the reality of systemic racism and how to work towards reckoning with these issues and creating genuine inclusion for all in our society.