Case Study: Boosting Gender Equity at Top Auto Maker - A Collaboration with Woods Kovalova Group

Facing considerable gender disparity, particularly in leadership roles, a leading global automaker enlisted the help of Woods Kovalova Group (WKG), an expert consulting firm in organizational culture and diversity. WKG conducted an exhaustive diagnosis, developed a strategic equity action plan, implemented it, and carried out continuous monitoring for improvement.


A renowned global automaker was keen on fostering gender equity within their organization. The firm recognized the value of diversity and inclusion in driving innovation, enhancing business performance, and creating a positive working environment. Yet, their internal assessments demonstrated an under-representation of women, particularly in leadership roles. To effectively address this issue, the company partnered with Woods Kovalova Group (WKG), a distinguished consulting firm known for its expertise in organizational culture and diversity.

Problem Statement

Despite several initiatives, the automaker was struggling to maintain gender equity across all levels of its workforce. The gender disparity was particularly noticeable in the top and middle management tiers. The primary challenges included:

  1. Lack of gender diversity in leadership roles.

  2. Biased perceptions and unconscious biases affecting hiring and promotion decisions.

  3. Deficient mentorship and career development opportunities for women.

WKG's Approach

WKG approached the situation using a multi-pronged strategy:

1. Diagnosis: WKG started by conducting a thorough analysis of the company's current workforce, policies, practices, and culture. This involved collecting data through surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

2. Strategy Development: Post-diagnosis, WKG strategized an equity action plan. The plan included training programs to tackle unconscious bias, creating mentorship programs for women, and reviewing compensation packages to ensure equal pay for equal work.

3. Implementation: WKG then collaborated with the automaker to implement the action plan. They also developed indicators to measure the progress and impact of the initiatives.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Post-implementation, WKG consistently monitored the progress of the initiatives, collected feedback, and made necessary amendments to the strategies.


The automaker saw significant improvements post-implementation of the action plan:

1. Increased Representation: There was a substantial increase in the number of women in leadership roles within the first two years. The organization saw a 25% increase in the number of women in middle management and a 15% increase in top management.

2. Shift in Organizational Culture: The training programs led to a decrease in biased perceptions. A post-implementation survey showed increased awareness of unconscious biases, which led to a more inclusive environment.

3. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction: The company’s annual employee satisfaction survey reported increased scores, particularly among female employees, who felt more valued and supported.


By partnering with Woods Kovalova Group, the global automaker was able to strategically address its gender disparity issues. Not only did the company improve its gender balance, but it also created a more inclusive and productive work environment. This case serves as an example of how recognizing and addressing organizational challenges can lead to transformative results. Through intentional strategy, implementation, and regular monitoring, any company can improve its diversity and inclusion, leading to better overall business outcomes.