Live Conflict Resolution Training: Master Workplace Conflict with Proven Strategies

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Live Conflict Resolution Training: Master Workplace Conflict with Proven Strategies

Sale Price:$70.00 Original Price:$199.00

90 Minutes live. You’ll learn how to identify the root causes of conflict, manage disagreements constructively, and foster a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.

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Price: $70

Format: Live, interactive webinar with real-time Q&A
Presented by: WoodsKovalova Learning

Webinar Overview:

In today's fast-paced work environments, conflicts are inevitable. However, unresolved conflicts can harm productivity, weaken relationships, and create a toxic work atmosphere. In our premium 90-minute webinar, Mastering Conflict Resolution, we equip leaders, managers, and teams with the tools they need to navigate and resolve workplace disputes effectively.

You’ll learn how to identify the root causes of conflict, manage disagreements constructively, and foster a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Our expert trainers will guide you through proven strategies and techniques for resolving conflicts before they escalate, ensuring long-lasting harmony and productivity within your teams.

This is more than a webinar—it's an interactive training session designed to deliver practical, actionable solutions that you can implement immediately in your organization.

What You Will Learn:

  • Understanding Conflict Dynamics: Gain insights into the root causes of conflict in the workplace and how to recognize early warning signs.

  • Effective Communication Techniques: Master communication strategies that diffuse tension and foster understanding.

  • Conflict Resolution Models: Learn step-by-step models for addressing conflict and finding mutually beneficial resolutions.

  • Emotional Intelligence in Conflict: Discover how emotional intelligence can help you manage emotions during high-stakes situations.

  • Preventing Future Conflicts: Implement strategies to prevent conflicts from reoccurring and create a culture of collaboration and respect.

What Your Company Will Gain:

  • Increased Team Productivity: With fewer unresolved conflicts, your teams will spend less time in disputes and more time focused on work.

  • Stronger Employee Relationships: Equip managers and employees with tools to handle disagreements professionally and maintain positive working relationships.

  • Improved Workplace Culture: Fostering a culture of open communication and conflict resolution will reduce turnover and increase employee satisfaction.

  • Better Leadership Skills: Your managers will learn critical leadership skills that help them navigate difficult conversations and maintain team cohesion.

Webinar Agenda:

  1. Introduction & Welcome (10 minutes)

    • Brief overview of the webinar objectives and why conflict resolution is essential for every workplace.

    • Icebreaker: Participants share common workplace conflicts they’ve encountered.

  2. Understanding Conflict Dynamics (15 minutes)

    • Definition of conflict and its impact on productivity.

    • The types of workplace conflicts (task-based, interpersonal, etc.) and common causes.

    • Identifying conflict early: Warning signs to watch for.

  3. Mastering Communication for Conflict Resolution (20 minutes)

    • Active listening: Techniques for truly understanding the other side.

    • Managing difficult conversations: How to remain calm and clear under pressure.

    • Non-verbal communication: Reading body language and tone to de-escalate tensions.

  4. Conflict Resolution Strategies and Models (25 minutes)

    • Step-by-step conflict resolution model: From identifying the issue to finding resolution.

    • Collaborative problem-solving: Techniques to find win-win outcomes.

    • Real-world case study: How these strategies work in action.

  5. Emotional Intelligence in Conflict (10 minutes)

    • The role of emotional intelligence in resolving conflicts.

    • Managing your emotions and helping others manage theirs during disputes.

    • How to use empathy to defuse potential conflict situations.

  6. Interactive Q&A and Real-World Scenarios (10 minutes)

    • Live Q&A with participants.

    • Group discussion of real-world conflict scenarios submitted by participants, with practical solutions offered by the facilitator.

  7. Wrap-Up and Action Plan (5 minutes)

    • Summarize key takeaways from the session.

    • Provide participants with a downloadable conflict resolution action plan to implement within their teams.

Why This Webinar Is Different:

This is not your typical pre-recorded, generic webinar. At WoodsKovalova Learning, we specialize in live, interactive training where participants can engage directly with experts, ask questions, and gain personalized insights tailored to their specific challenges.

We train more than 35% of the Fortune 500—and we offer the same high-quality training for a fraction of the cost that other providers charge. With our 100% performance guarantee, you can be confident that you’ll leave with actionable strategies to improve your team dynamics and resolve conflicts effectively.

Ready to Master Conflict Resolution?

Register Now for $70 and secure your spot in this premium, interactive training session. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your leadership skills and create a more collaborative workplace.

Reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to help!