How to be an ally to black employees

How We Can Become An Ally and Why it Should Matter Most

There is growing pressure on the business sector to address its complicity in institutional racism. As a result, leaders in the business world are being urged to do more to combat racism in the workplace and show solidarity with their Black employees. If you work in human resources or are the CEO of a company, you can be an ally by taking action to combat racism there. Why stop there, however? In addition to helping your business thrive, a more welcoming work environment for people from underrepresented groups will help everyone there. Follow these steps to become a trusted colleague at work:

How To Be A Powerful Ally To Your Black Coworkers

In the summer of 2020, the epidemic and racial inequality have been the defining elements. Following the murder of George Floyd on Memorial Day, a revival of the Black Lives Matter movement sparked what many civil rights advocates consider to be the most significant national dialogue on racial justice and equality since the 1960s. Others have felt indignation that such a movement was necessary more than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act.