How to Develop Leaders People Choose to Follow

How to Develop Leaders People Choose to Follow

In today's rapidly evolving world, the importance of effective leadership cannot be overstated. Yet, the most compelling leaders are not just those with a designated title or position. They're the ones who inspire us to follow by choice, not by obligation. Becoming this type of leader involves self-awareness, understanding human behavior, and cultivating certain vital traits.

Case Study: Satya Nadella and Microsoft's Transformation

One of the most remarkable leadership transformations in recent history can be found in the tech world, with Satya Nadella at the helm of Microsoft.

When Satya Nadella took over as CEO of Microsoft in 2014, the company faced significant challenges. It was perceived as losing its innovative edge, with competitors like Apple and Google dominating the tech landscape. Employee morale was low, and the company culture was seen as toxic, competitive, and stifling innovation.

One of Nadella's first moves was to shift the company culture. He introduced the concept of a "growth mindset," derived from Carol Dweck's research, which emphasized learning from failure, being open to feedback, and the idea that talents can be developed. This significantly changed from the previous "know-it-all" culture to a "learn-it-all" one.

Promoting Collaboration

Nadella also worked to break down silos within Microsoft. He encouraged collaboration between departments that previously competed against each other. This newfound collaboration led to innovative product integrations that wouldn't have been possible otherwise, like integrating LinkedIn (which Microsoft acquired in 2016) with other Microsoft products.

Investing in Empathy

Nadella often spoke about the importance of empathy, drawing from personal experiences, including his son's cerebral palsy diagnosis. He believed understanding people's needs and feelings was crucial for creating products that resonate with users. Under his leadership, Microsoft's product design began prioritizing inclusivity, with features like the Xbox Adaptive Controller, designed for gamers with limited mobility.


Under Nadella's leadership:

  • Microsoft's stock price tripled in just four years.

  • The company regained its status as the world's most valuable in 2018.

  • Employee morale improved, with Microsoft ranking highly in "best places to work" surveys.

  • The company made significant strides in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and other areas, regaining its reputation as an innovation leader.

Satya Nadella's leadership transformation of Microsoft underscores the importance of a people-first approach. He revitalized a tech giant by prioritizing a growth mindset, promoting collaboration, and leading with empathy. He showcased the profound impact of authentic and innovative leadership on a company's success and culture.

Embrace Authenticity

The facade of perfection is often a mask that leaders must wear. Yet, authenticity shines through in a world of curated social media images and polished resumes as a beacon of trust. When leaders are genuine in their interactions, it invites trust and fosters loyalty. It's about being true to oneself and valuing authenticity in relationships.

Reflect on your core values and ensure they align with your actions. Embrace your vulnerabilities and share your personal stories. This makes you relatable and creates a genuine bond with your followers.

Cultivate Curiosity

An insatiable curiosity is the bedrock of innovation. Leaders who ask questions, seek diverse perspectives, and are open to learning from every situation are more adaptable and forward-thinking. By promoting a culture of curiosity, they encourage their teams to explore, take risks, and think outside the box.

Foster a work environment where questions are celebrated and multiple viewpoints are encouraged. Becoming a lifelong learner shows your team that growth is a continual process.

Value Dissent

Echo chambers stifle innovation. Great leaders are those who appreciate and seek out dissenting views. These perspectives offer fresh insights, challenge the status quo, and prevent complacency. By respecting and valuing differences, leaders foster a culture where ideas flourish.

Encourage your team members to speak their minds without fear of retribution. Actively seek feedback and be open to constructive criticism. This will help in creating a culture where people feel valued and heard.

Empower Others

Leadership is as much about lifting others as it is about guiding them. Empowered teams feel a sense of ownership, are more engaged, and are likely to go the extra mile. By delegating responsibility and entrusting tasks, leaders not only free up their own time but also help in the growth and development of

Trust your team with meaningful tasks and give them the tools and training they need to succeed. Recognize and celebrate their achievements, reinforcing their significance in the organization's success.

Lead with Empathy

At its core, leadership is about human connections. An empathetic leader understands their team members' emotions, needs, and motivations. Leaders create a positive and nurturing environment by acknowledging their feelings and demonstrating compassion.

Take the time to listen to your team members truly. Understand their aspirations, challenges, and concerns. By doing so, you'll not only strengthen team cohesion but also make better-informed decisions.

Practice Reflective Leadership

Leaders need to reflect on their actions, decisions, and behaviors regularly. This introspection aids in understanding the impact they have on their teams and helps make necessary adjustments for the future.

Dedicate time for self-reflection. Consider keeping a leadership journal to note your thoughts, insights, and areas of improvement. Use this as a tool for personal growth.

In essence, the journey to becoming a leader people choose to follow is ongoing and multifaceted. It's rooted in understanding oneself, valuing others, and embracing a growth mindset. Leaders can inspire and guide teams towards shared visions and successes through authenticity, curiosity, empathy, and empowerment.

Foster Psychological Safety

One of the cornerstones of innovative and cohesive teams is psychological safety. When people feel safe to express their ideas, opinions, and concerns without fear of retribution, they're more likely to contribute creatively and constructively. Leaders play a pivotal role in establishing this safety within their teams.

Create an environment where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities. Encourage open communication and ensure every team member knows their voice matters. Regularly check in with your team and reassure them that their perspectives are valued.

Embrace Adaptability

In an ever-changing global landscape, adaptability is a crucial trait for leaders. Those who can pivot and adapt to changing circumstances ensure the survival of their organizations and inspire confidence among their followers.

Encourage flexibility in approaches and be open to change. Celebrate those who show resilience and adaptability, and encourage a mindset where change is seen as an opportunity rather than a threat.

Invest in Continuous Learning

The world doesn't stand still, nor should a leader's knowledge. Leaders committed to continuous learning set the tone for their organizations, showing that personal and professional growth is encouraged and expected.

Engage in regular training sessions, seminars, or workshops. Encourage your team to do the same and provide them with the necessary resources. Creating a culture of continuous learning ensures that your organization stays ahead of the curve.

Celebrate Small Wins

While significant milestones certainly cause celebration, the small, daily wins keep teams motivated and moving forward. Recognizing and celebrating these achievements fosters a positive atmosphere and highlights progress.

Make it a habit to acknowledge and appreciate your team's efforts regularly. Whether it's a shoutout in a team meeting or a personal note of thanks, these gestures can go a long way in boosting morale.

Build Meaningful Relationships

Leadership isn't a solitary endeavor. Building genuine, meaningful relationships with team members, peers, and other stakeholders is fundamental. When leaders take the time to forge these bonds, it creates an invaluable sense of community and trust.

Engage in regular one-on-one sessions with team members to discuss work and get to know them personally. Remember birthdays, celebrate personal milestones, and be there in need.

To wrap it up, being a leader people choose to follow is about more than just achieving business goals. It's about building a community, fostering trust, and guiding with empathy and vision. When leaders incorporate these principles into their leadership style, they don't just lead teams — they inspire movements.

About Anne Pietrzak Managing Director of People Strategy and Leadership, Woods Kovalova Group

Anne Pietrzak stands as a testament to visionary leadership in the field of human capital strategy. As the Managing Director of People Strategy and Leadership at Woods Kovalova Group, Anne seamlessly marries the art of people management with the science of strategic execution.