What Does The Term "Woke" Mean For Business?

What Does The Term "Woke" Mean For Business?

In 2021, DeSantis signed into law Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act,” which banned state college professors from instructing on critical race theory, a loosely defined academic framework focused on topics like systemic racism.
— https://www.forbes.com

One of the most important concepts to understand is what it means to be "woke." But, being woke is about understanding and acknowledging our society's systemic injustices and actively advocating for those who experience oppression due to their race, gender identity, economic status, sexual orientation, or other characteristics that have historically excluded them from specific spaces. As a result of this shift in awareness, many businesses are now seeing the value in having "woke" employees who are dedicated to fostering an inclusive work environment for all employees - regardless of background or identity. To create meaningful change within your organization, however, it's crucial that you not only understand the term itself but also evaluate how your business can best support individuals within marginalized groups by creating effective plans and implementing long-term strategies around workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Woke means awareness

In recent times, there has been a buzzword that has been frequently used in business circles: "woke." But what exactly does it mean, and why must businesses be "woke" today? Essentially, the term refers to a heightened awareness of social and political issues, particularly those that affect marginalized communities. In addition, being "woke" means actively seeking to understand and address systemic inequalities, both within and outside of one's organization. For businesses, this means taking a more comprehensive approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion and recognizing their essential role in shaping societal attitudes and perceptions. In short, being "woke" is not just a trendy buzzword - it's a key component of responsible, sustainable business practices in the twenty-first century.

Why is it Important to Embrace a "Woke" Culture in Your Organization

It's not enough to go through the motions and operate on autopilot. Organizations must embrace a "woke" culture to make a difference and stand out. This means being aware of and actively addressing social justice and inequality issues, both within the company and the world. By taking a stance and implementing real change, businesses can attract and retain employees passionate about making a difference while also appealing to socially conscious consumers. Let's face it, doing the right thing feels good. So why not take the first step towards a more woke culture today?

How Can You Foster an Inclusive Workplace Environment

Creating an inclusive workplace environment requires intentional effort from everyone involved. It starts with recognizing and valuing diversity, including differences in cultural backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. To foster inclusivity, managers should lead by example and encourage open communication and collaboration among team members. Establishing clear policies that promote fairness, equitable treatment, and equal opportunity. Additionally, providing opportunities for professional development and growth can help to cultivate an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and supported. By taking proactive steps, organizations can create a culture of inclusivity that benefits everyone involved.

Examples of Companies Taking Steps Towards a More Diverse and Equitable Workforce

Creating a more diverse and equitable workforce is a goal many companies strive for, and General Motors and Apple are no exception. Both companies have proactively implemented changes to foster a more inclusive work environment. For example, General Motors has committed to increasing diversity in its workforce by setting an ambitious goal to have women in 50% of its professional positions by 2030. They have also implemented a program to address systemic racism and bias in the workplace. Apple, meanwhile, has launched initiatives to increase diversity at all levels of the company, from the hiring process to executive leadership positions. As they work to create a more diverse and equitable environment, it's inspiring to see companies like General Motors and Apple leading the way.

The term has become an amorphous catch-all for anything the right doesn’t like, and they love exploiting that ambiguity.
— Jim Woods

Benefits of Being a "Woke" Business & Employer

In today's society, it's becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to be "woke." Being socially aware and proactive can have numerous benefits both for the company and its employees. A woke business can attract and retain a diverse and talented workforce, increasing innovation and productivity. It can also improve customer loyalty by showing that it values and supports social causes. By integrating social responsibility into the business fabric, a woke employer can positively impact society and become a leader in its industry. Ultimately, being a socially responsible business isn't just the right thing to do—it can lead to a competitive advantage and a more fulfilled workforce.

Challenges and Risks Associated with Implementing "Woke" Policy in the Workplace

As society continues to evolve towards a more inclusive and diverse future, many companies are adopting progressive policies to create a more welcoming and supportive work environment. However, implementing "woke" procedures in the workplace comes with challenges and risks. For instance, some employees may feel like the policies are being forced upon them, leading to resistance and a lack of buy-in. Additionally, there is a risk of backlash from customers who may disagree with the company's stance. Nonetheless, even with these challenges, companies must embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace and work towards creating a more equitable future.

The ultimate goal for businesses engaging in a "woke" culture is evident: create an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplace. This benefits employees and other individuals within the work environment and can also expand networks and attract new talent and customers. Even with the challenges associated with this practice, businesses should begin to assess their structures, policies, values, and systems to determine areas of possible reform and improvement. By proactively looking for racial inequities within its organizational structure, organizations can prioritize practices that reflect reparation for past injustices and progress towards a more inclusive future for all. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this concept. Each business or organization must figure out what makes sense for them - such as individually assessing policies on inclusionary hiring standards - to best promote a "woke" core value in their workplace. With these efforts put into place, today's new left ideology can continue driving equitable progress through proactive action from corporations to honor minorities like never before seen in our history.

Image courtesy whoislimos @whoislimos

About Jim Woods
Jim Woods is the President & CEO of Woods Kovalova Group, a diversity, equity & inclusion expert who helping organizations for over 20 years. He knows how to create an environment where everyone feels respected and valued – no matter who they are or their background. His work with Fortune 500 companies such as Cisco Systems, Microsoft, and Boeing demonstrates that he understands how major companies operate.

With this level of expertise, you can be confident that Jim will help your organization reach its goals of creating a safe and equitable workplace. In addition, his strategies have proven successful in inspiring corporate cultures worldwide to pursue true transformation toward anti-racism and social change within their ranks.

Reach out today to learn how partnerships with Jim’s team at Woods Kovalova Group can make meaningful changes in your organization’s culture!