Combating Bias in Teams

Combating Bias in Teams

Summary: Diversity is essential for strong teams, but bias keeps many talented individuals from reaching their full potential. Learn how to build an inclusive team that celebrates diversity of thought and background.

There's no question that bias and inequality exist in the workplace. The real question is what we can do about it. Simon Sinek, CEO of the global management consulting firm Simon Sinek Inc., has some ideas. In a recent blog post, Sinek argued that the way to fight bias and inequality is at the team level. "Too often these days, people look to their leaders to solve all of society's ills," wrote Sinek. "But the truth is that real change happens when everyday citizens work together to make a difference." We couldn't agree more. To learn more about how you can fight bias and inequality in your workplace, read on.

We all have biases. It's a natural part of being human

Everyone has a bias, it's impossible to escape it, and in a way, bias can bring us closer together. After all, bias is a natural part of being human—it influences our relationships and daily decisions. We may have a bias towards certain groups or people, and though this may affect how we act, it doesn't mean these beliefs are absolute. When examined closely, bias can be used to gain a perspective on ourselves and others—leading to valuable insight and even compassion. Acknowledging bias allows us to break patterns that lead to workplace inequality— creating an environment where everyone feels safe and respected.

Bias can lead to inequality in the workplace - for example, women and minorities are often underrepresented in leadership roles

Equality in the workplace isn't just a nicety to strive for; it's essential to maintaining a healthy work environment. Unfortunately, people of color and women are far too often overlooked for executive roles and positions of leadership. As a result, bias can creep into decision-making through conscious and unconscious means, leading to significant inequality for those who are underrepresented in our society. We must actively strive for inclusive leadership that celebrates the diversity of thought and background, not simply settle for exclusivity as the status quo. People from different backgrounds bring different perspectives to any organization, which leadership should fully embrace. Let's create an equal workplace where everyone has an opportunity to rise and succeed!

To fight bias and inequality, we need to start at the team level

Teamwork is the foundation of how we work in the modern workplace. We must challenge ourselves to move beyond Team A versus Team B for competition toward Team A and Team B collaborating for progress. Team leaders must focus on developing and nurturing a culture of open-mindedness, collective effort, and empathy. Team members should be encouraged to listen to each other and understand each other's perspectives and experiences without judgment. Only through this kind of positive collaboration can we create an atmosphere where everyone feels heard, respected, and safe to speak up against bias and inequality. By addressing these issues at the team level, we are taking significant steps toward creating true equality in the workplace.

Teams that are diverse and inclusive are more successful than those that aren't

Working in an inclusive team has its many benefits. Diversity often broadens our perspectives, leading to creative solutions, improved decision-making, and increased productivity. One doesn't have to look far for examples of diversity's tremendous impact on business success. Research reveals that teams with diverse ages, genders, and backgrounds are far more successful than those that lack diversity or are exclusive. Everyone deserves the opportunity to contribute and be heard, so building an inclusive workplace should be everyone's goal - it's fair and makes excellent business sense too!

Discriminatory actions and poor treatment of team members can result if team members' biases are not addressed and countered.

  • A decrease in team spirit and an increase in interpersonal friction.

  • Poor judgment because of a lack of context and imagination.

  • Loss of unique perspectives and creativity.

  • Damage to the company's reputation and values as a result.

  • Consequences in the law.

As a result, it is essential to lessen bias within groups to foster an environment where everyone feels welcome and respected.

There are many ways to make the team more diverse and inclusive - here are some ideas

Imagine a team that genuinely understands diversity and inclusion - they actively seek out diverse perspectives, practice active listening to ensure everyone can contribute their ideas, and constructively challenge each other. Such a team is far more collaborative than one lacking diversity, often leading to stagnation and unhelpful groupthink. It takes effort to make sure everyone feels safe to have their voice heard, but the pay-off - stronger relationships built on trust, respect, understanding, and empathy - is worth it. To ensure your team is as diverse and inclusive as possible, you can try many practices: fostering diversity in hiring processes; establishing clear guidelines for respectful communication; implementing an anonymous feedback system; or offering regular diversity training. Ultimately if we want teams that embody diversity and inclusion, we need to create an atmosphere in which everyone is included and given space to contribute their unique insights.

By fighting bias and inequality at the team level, we can make progress toward a more just workplace for everyone

Empowering all of our team members to reach their potential requires us to stand up against bias and inequality in the workplace actively. We must strive to create a culture of belonging and fairness in which everyone can belong, work hard, forge connections, and be rewarded based on merit. By addressing bias and inequality at the team level, we are fulfilling our obligations as responsible employers and making a powerful statement that we value every team member's unique perspective and talents. As an organization, we are all accountable for fighting bias and inequality so everyone can contribute, progress together, have a voice and feel respected in the workplace. So let's make progress towards a more just workplace for everyone.

Image courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez @priscilladupreez

About Jim Woods

Jim Woods is a diversity, equity and inclusion expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He has worked with organizations of all sizes, from small non-profits to large Fortune 500 companies, helping them to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces. Schedule a call with Jim.

Jim is passionate about promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace and has a track record of success in implementing effective DEI strategies. He deeply understands the challenges and opportunities that organizations face when building a more diverse and inclusive culture and is skilled at working with leadership teams to develop and execute strategies that drive positive change.


In addition to his work as a DEI expert, Jim is also a sought-after speaker and trainer. He has spoken at conferences and events worldwide, sharing his knowledge and insights on unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership. He also frequently contributes to industry publications, sharing his expertise and thought leadership on DEI best practices.

Jim holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's in organizational development and human resources.

Jim is a highly respected and accomplished DEI expert with a proven track record of helping organizations build more inclusive and equitable cultures.