Bias in banking

Combating Bias in Teams

Imagine a team that genuinely understands diversity and inclusion - they actively seek out diverse perspectives, practice active listening to ensure everyone can contribute their ideas, and constructively challenge each other. Unfortunately, people of color and women are far too often overlooked for executive roles and positions of leadership. As a result, bias can creep into decision-making through conscious and unconscious means, leading to significant inequality for those who are underrepresented in our society. We must actively strive for inclusive leadership that celebrates the diversity of thought and background, not simply settle for exclusivity as the status quo.

How Banks Can Serve Underrepresented Communities

In the world of banking, many communities are often overlooked and underrepresented. As a result, these communities, such as low-income individuals and communities of color, face significant barriers to accessing banking services. But as Jim Collins argues in his book "Good to Great," businesses that genuinely want to make a difference must first confront the brutal facts of their current reality. This article will explore how banks can take a "good to great" approach in serving underrepresented communities.