Leadership Obsession

Our Unhealthy Obsession with Leadership: Reconceptualizing Success in an Era of Inept Leaders

As we look around us in the year 2023, we are increasingly witnessing a society obsessed with leadership. Yet, paradoxically, we are plagued by a proliferation of inept leaders. We place leadership on a pedestal, glorifying individuals who carry the "leader" tag while disregarding their competency and performance. This fascination with leadership as the ultimate panacea for all organizational problems is deeply rooted in our psyche, but it is time to re-examine this obsession.

Explore insights on leadership obsession in the era of inept leaders in our latest blog post. Discover how redefining success and redistributing leadership can transform organizations.

The Rise of The Toxic Leader

This blog post aims to shed light on this devastating trend, explore its roots and consequences, and identify potential paths to take action against it. We will delve into some key concepts, such as the link between power dynamics and toxicity, identifying toxic leaders before they cause harm, and responding when faced with one.