anti-racism webinars

Are you irritated by your anti-racism strategy?

Everyone in your company is responsible for establishing and maintaining an inclusive workplace. Although we focus on the role of human resources and managers, this must not be at the detriment of the personal responsibility we all need to tackle racism in our organization. A systemic, holistic approach is required to address the grassroots causes of prejudice and discrimination – from all of us. This is something for all of us to bear in mind and help encourage.

Cloaking Racism With Patriotism

Human resources have the ability to change the tenor of race, biases, and prejudices against all groups of an organization. However, HR is laced with bigots who subtlely propagate their own biases instead of honoring the code. HR, learning and development, and recruiting managers should, above all else, be leaders. Rather than intent to catch people "messing up,