How inclusive are you?

How inclusive are you?

What does it mean for one to be an inclusive leader? The truth is that being inclusive isn't something you can just do overnight; it's a practice that requires consistent effort and dedication toward developing the right mindset. As leaders, we must embody inclusivity and ensure that those around us feel respected, valued, and understood. It's not enough to exist in a space—every action we take must prioritize inclusion for all groups for us to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and growth. So how confident are you that your current leadership style empowers everyone around you? With this blog post, let's explore ways to discuss, measure, and improve our inclusiveness to build diverse teams with lasting impact!

What is Inclusive Leadership, and why is it essential for the workplace/team cultures today

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, leaders must adapt to new ways of thinking and embrace diverse perspectives. This is where inclusive Leadership comes in - creating an environment where everyone's unique experiences and talents are valued and respected. Inclusive leaders understand that everyone has something to contribute, regardless of background, and actively foster an environment where everyone is empowered to share their ideas. By doing so, they create a workplace culture that promotes collaboration and innovation and ultimately drives success. So, whether you're a team leader, manager, or CEO, cultivating inclusive leadership skills is essential for your growth and the growth of your team and organization.

The Benefits of Inclusive Leadership - Increased Productivity, Improved Morale, and Increased Profit Margins

At the core of every great business is a leader who understands the power of inclusivity. When leaders embrace inclusivity, it goes beyond accepting workplace differences. It means creating an environment where team members feel valued, heard, and empowered to bring their whole selves to work. The result of such an environment is a more engaged, motivated, and productive team. When employees feel supported and encouraged to be their best selves, morale improves and creates a positive work environment. Inclusive Leadership is not just the right thing to do; it's also the smart thing. Studies have found that companies with more diversity and inclusivity have higher profit margins than those without. In addition, inclusive Leadership creates a ripple effect of positivity that benefits everyone involved.

5 Traits of an Inclusive Leader - Empathy, Respectfulness, Open-Mindedness, Self-Awareness, and Embracing Diversity

In today's ever-evolving workplace, being an inclusive leader is crucial for success. Empathy, respectfulness, open-mindedness, self-awareness, and embracing diversity are the five essential traits that define these leaders. Leaders who possess these characteristics create a welcoming environment that encourages collaboration and creativity. These leaders listen actively and understand their team's struggles, establishing trust and respect. They also realize that everyone is unique and different and embrace diversity in all its forms. With their ability to see the bigger picture, inclusive leaders drive innovation and spur growth. Unsurprisingly, organizations with inclusive leaders tend to have happier employees and better financial performance.

Top Tips to help you become a better Inclusive Leader - Establish Trust, Listen with Compassion and Understanding, Be Authentic and Genuine with everyone, Lead by Example, and Model Desired Behaviour

Becoming a better, inclusive leader doesn't happen overnight. It requires much intentional effort and focuses on your part. A critical factor in being a successful inclusive leader is establishing trust among your team members. Trust is the foundation upon which great teams are built. Moreover, it would help if you always listened to your team with compassion and understanding, putting yourself in their shoes while empathizing with their experiences. Being authentic and genuine with everyone you interact with is also essential. This helps build a sense of connection and mutual respect. Finally, leading by example and modeling the desired behavior is critical to being an inclusive leader. Simon Sinek once said, "Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge." As you strive to implement these tips in your leadership style, you can create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected and work towards achieving common goals.

How to Assess Your Level of Inclusiveness - A Self-Assessment Checklist to help determine your level of inclusiveness

Are you curious about your level of inclusiveness? Do you want to improve how you engage with people from diverse backgrounds? Then, this self-assessment checklist is a great starting point to measure where you currently stand. But don't stop there - use it as an ongoing tool to guide your growth and development. Remember, inclusivity is not a box to be checked or a one-time event but a continuous journey. So, take the leap, embrace the challenge, and create a world where everyone is valued, respected, and included.

Closing Thoughts - Understanding how to be an inclusive leader can truly make the difference between a successful team or one that falls short of its potential

As leaders, it's not just about being competent or efficient. It's also about understanding and embracing diversity within the team. Inclusive Leadership means creating an environment where every individual feels valued and respected for who they are. It's about challenging our biases and assumptions and creating opportunities for growth and development for everyone, regardless of their background or experiences. Being an inclusive leader can truly make the difference between a mediocre team and a great one that can achieve outstanding results. So let's challenge ourselves and be the inclusive leaders our team and organization need to thrive.

This is the time to embrace inclusive leadership tenets. It is an essential skill that can reap innumerable benefits for any team or organization in terms of personal fulfillment and success. Your role as an inclusive leader goes beyond simply being open-minded; it requires understanding your colleagues' individual needs, differences, and perspectives and creating a culture where everyone feels valued and respected. By setting the tone from the top with respectfulness, self-awareness, and celebrating diversity, you can establish trust, foster collaboration, and inspire creativity throughout your team. With just a few simple strategies – such as establishing trust, listening openly, and leading by example – you, too, can lead with inclusiveness and see the amazing rewards that come along with it.

Image courtesy of Pawel Czerwinski @pawel_czerwinski

About Jim Woods

Jim Woods is a diversity, equity and inclusion expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He has worked with organizations of all sizes, from small non-profits to large Fortune 500 companies, helping them to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces.

Jim is passionate about promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace and has a track record of success in implementing effective DEI strategies. He deeply understands the challenges and opportunities that organizations face when building a more diverse and inclusive culture and is skilled at working with leadership teams to develop and execute strategies that drive positive change.


In addition to his work as a DEI expert, Jim is also a sought-after speaker and trainer. He has spoken at conferences and events worldwide, sharing his knowledge and insights on unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership. He also frequently contributes to industry publications, sharing his expertise and thought leadership on DEI best practices.

Jim holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's in organizational development and human resources.

Jim is a highly respected and accomplished DEI expert with a proven track record of helping organizations build more inclusive and equitable cultures.