
Communicating Company Commitment to Racial Justice

Learn effective strategies for communicating your company's commitment to racial justice. Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace with actionable insights.

Demystifying Inclusion: Rewards and Realities of Fostering an Inclusive Culture

At its core, demystifying inclusion is about fostering a culture of empathy and understanding—a culture where individuals are willing to step outside of their comfort zones and engage with perspectives that may be different from their own. It's about recognizing that diversity is not a threat but an opportunity—an opportunity to learn, grow, and innovate in ways that would not be possible otherwise. Discover the rewards and realities of fostering an inclusive culture. Learn strategies for achieving true inclusion in the workplace.

Lessons from 'To Kill a Mockingbird' on Advancing Racial Equity in the Workplace

Explore how Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' provides timeless lessons on empathy, understanding, and justice. Discover how these insights can guide modern businesses in their journey from merely promoting diversity to truly advancing racial equity in the workplace.

How inclusive are you?

What does it mean for one to be an inclusive leader? The truth is that being inclusive isn't something you can just do overnight; it's a practice that requires consistent effort and dedication toward developing the right mindset. As leaders, we must embody inclusivity and ensure that those around us feel respected, valued, and understood. It's not enough to exist in a space—every action we take must prioritize inclusion for all groups for us to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and growth.

Can Your DEI Objectives Succeed If You Don't Pay Attention To Leadership Development?

The lack of diversity at the top is a problem that many business leaders have acknowledged. However, we contend that the answer is already in front of us all along: rethinking the dissemination of current leadership development options. Leaders can use development programs to lessen bias and more equally progress underrepresented leaders rather than perpetuating a system that rewards individuals we are biased to feel have "potential."

How To Boost Your Confidence And Get Rid Of Negative Self-Talk

Have you ever been in a scenario where you instantly felt out of place? Or, even worse, you've convinced yourself that you don't belong? The truth is that, especially in new situations, more women than not loathe themselves or speak poorly about themselves.

9 Ways for Conquering Shyness at Work

Consider this: You are pursuing a leadership position and possess all the required qualifications and experience, but you are also timid. During a brainstorming session with your department, you develop a radically different solution from what has been proposed thus far. Do you speak or remain silent? If you are too timid to share your idea, do you even stand a chance of attaining that leadership position? Check out these tips that have helped our clients.

Why Do Leaders Believe Their Own Hype?

Employees despised the prospect of riding in an elevator with Steve Jobs. As soon as the doors were shut, he would begin grilling them about their projects, and they knew they would better have a good one. Several of these encounters have developed a legendarium status. Most famously, an unknown woman who, according to Ed Niehaus, accidentally entered an elevator with Jobs and heard the words "We are not going to need you" a few levels later.

How Managers Can Promote Inclusion

At this moment, leaders and managers are scrambling to figure out how to respond to the Black Lives Matter movement and learn more about how they can be anti-racist. From revisiting hiring practices to organizing internal conversations about race and allyship, there’s now a pressure to act quickly in industries thus far moved pretty slowly when it comes to investing in inclusion.