Ethical Culture

The Crucial Role of Ethical Followership in Organizations and Society

Discover the importance of ethical followership in organizations and society, and how it complements leadership for integrity and success. Leadership is often the center of attention as we try to make sense of the intricate web of contemporary organizational and societal concerns. Ethical followership, however, is a less prominent but no less important aspect of this leadership-centric perspective. This idea encompasses everyone in a group or community rather than just the top brass. When people adhere to ethical standards, they put their faith in the organization's or society's moral compass, which should not be placed only in its leaders but in the deeds and choices of every individual.

3 ways banking can use data to transform DEI initiatives

The banking industry has been lagging behind as we witness continued momentum in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives across sectors. Despite increasing awareness of DEI's importance and numerous speeches from leadership touting their commitment to this mission, DEI initiatives have mainly been lacking within banking. Complacency enables culture systems rooted in bias and a lack of action toward more excellent representation and equitable policies for diverse populations.

Amazon Employees Demand Prohibition of Books Calling Transgender Individuals Mentally Ill

Two years ago, Lina Jodoin transitioned to female and recently quit her engineering job at Amazon in protest, found it strange to discover books advocating that trans individuals should not transition in the LGBT book area. This caused employees and supporters of LGBTQ to protest.

How HR Can Build An Ethical Workplace Culture

Today human resources professionals spend much time working to create a respectful work environment. Indeed, their tireless efforts should be applauded. Of course, much of that effort is needed to stay in compliance with anti-discrimination and additional workplace regulations. But what if a genuine focus on ethics extends beyond legal conformity?