
From Silver Screen to Reality: Examining Racial Representation in 'The Blind Side

The movie implies that Oher's athletic prowess is his primary avenue for success and escaping poverty. This is a common trope that can perpetuate the notion that Black individuals can primarily or only achieve success through physical rather than intellectual means.

Explore an in-depth analysis of the portrayal of race in 'The Blind Side'. This article dissects the film's narrative, questioning its perpetuation of the White Savior Complex and its depiction of racial representation on the silver screen.

How You Can Talk About Race with Your Employees

How does a leader use healthy conversations on race to increase awareness and collaboration while showing employees their concerns matter to the organization without shame and blame? Most messages are dawdling efforts based on either awkward communication abilities of managers or silenced underrepresented people in a seemingly unsafe environment. .Learn the skills you can take to build inclusion and engagement in all employees.

How Managers Can Have Effective Conversations On Race At Work

Effective diversity, equity, and inclusion programs change behavior when managers and employees have two-way trust in discussing race. It is usual for managers to question whether they are doing "the right thing" when addressing race and racism issues in the workplace. Yet, to eradicate systemic racism, managers need to empower employees and provide them with productive conversations on race. Establishing these conversations in evidence and good intentions is better than not talking about race at all.