Sexual Harassment

Leadership's Crucial Role in Combating Sexual Harassment Within Organizations

Explore the transformative influence of effective leadership in establishing a culture of respect and safety. Gain insights into the pivotal role leaders play in preventing and addressing sexual harassment within organizations. Discover actionable strategies and best practices for fostering a harassment-free workplace environment under the guidance of strong and accountable leadership.

Veins of Prejudice: Mining the Depths of Systemic Issues in Canada's Mining Industry

Explore systemic challenges in Canada's mining sector, from deep-rooted racial biases to gender disparities. Unearth solutions for a fairer industry future. Much like the extraction of minerals from the Earth, the stories of racism and sexual harassment in the mining industry require some digging to bring to light. However, unlike the precious metals sought after in the mines, these issues, once unearthed, don't glimmer—they sting.

Off-Duty Sexual Harassment: The Unseen Threat to Organizational Integrity

Explore the hidden dangers of off-duty harassment and its impact on workplace culture. Learn proactive steps for HR & leaders to safeguard integrity. Off-duty sexual harassment is more than just an HR issue; it reflects organizational values and culture. By addressing it head-on, organizations protect their reputation and reinforce a commitment to employee well-being and respect. In this era, it's not just about being a great workplace; it's about always being a safe and respectful community.

Kickstarting Change: The Crossroads of Spanish Soccer and Gender Respect

Unraveling the #MeToo wave in Spanish soccer: delving into gender dynamics, power, and institutional failings. In the ever-evolving world of soccer, where teamwork and strategy are crucial, a surprising incident unfolded that tested not only the relationships within an organization but also the broader dynamics of power and perception.

Upon Spain's triumphant win in the World Cup final, an unexpected moment between Luis Rubiales, the President of Spain's soccer federation, and the talented midfielder Jenni Hermoso catalyzed intense introspection and debate. This wasn't merely about a game but about boundaries, ethics, and the challenges of navigating complex professional environments.

The Amplified Struggles of Women of Color Facing Sexual Harassment

Insights into the unique hurdles of women of color combating sexual harassment. Intersectionality, bias, and resilience explored.

Canada's Mines: Beneath the Ore, a Hidden Crisis of Workplace Abuse

Dive into Canada's mining sector to uncover the hidden crisis of workplace abuse. Explore expert insights, survivor stories, and industry reforms in our in-depth analysis.

Unveiling the Harvey Weinstein Scandal: A Harsh Lesson for HR on Confronting Sexual Harassment

When the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in 2017, many were stunned by the sheer scope of his actions. This case served as a stark reminder to Human Resource (HR) staff across all industries - here’s why better practices must be put into place and how gender equality can play a role in accountability.

Holding Executives Accountable for Sexual Harassment: HR's Role

Recent events have highlighted how prevalent sexual harassment is in the workplace. Learn how HR departments can hold executives accountable and create an inclusive environment where all employees feel trust, belonging and a sense of inclusion.