Unconscious Bias

Honoring the Legacy of Emily Davison and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Two Pioneers in the Fight for Human Rights

How does Emily Davison's fight relate to Martin Luther King Jr?

Emily Wilding Davison's fight for women's suffrage and Martin Luther King Jr.'s fight for civil rights and racial equality address inequality and oppression issues. Both Davison and King used nonviolent means, such as protests and civil disobedience, to bring attention to their respective causes and to push for change. They both faced significant resistance and adversity in their efforts. Nevertheless, they were willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their beliefs.

How to Deal with Unconscious Bias at Work

Unconscious bias occurs when a person makes assumptions about your character, intelligence, or capabilities based on your appearance, speech, or behavior. The manifestations of unconscious bias can be profoundly affected by factors such as business sector, organizational structure, and geographical location.