Talking About Race

Why Most Managers Struggle with Conversations on Race

Conversations about race and equality have become increasingly urgent in workplaces around the globe. Yet, a recent Gallup Panel study reveals a glaring truth: most managers are not fully prepared to engage in meaningful discussions on these critical topics. This deficiency spans managers of different races, ages, and genders, signaling a systemic issue that demands attention.

Discover why many managers find it challenging to discuss race in the workplace. Explore solutions for fostering inclusivity and addressing racial equity.

Honoring the Legacy of Emily Davison and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Two Pioneers in the Fight for Human Rights

How does Emily Davison's fight relate to Martin Luther King Jr?

Emily Wilding Davison's fight for women's suffrage and Martin Luther King Jr.'s fight for civil rights and racial equality address inequality and oppression issues. Both Davison and King used nonviolent means, such as protests and civil disobedience, to bring attention to their respective causes and to push for change. They both faced significant resistance and adversity in their efforts. Nevertheless, they were willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their beliefs.

The Top 10 Signs of Everyday Racism

While everyone is quick to identify overt racism—we post it on social media and read about it in the news—many of us ignore a more subtle kind of racism that is frequently camouflaged as a joke, a stereotype, or a subconscious judgment. Here are eleven indications that you may have accidentally engaged in "Everyday" racism.

What is effective in promoting gender equality?

Most organizations would argue that they would like to take advantage of the entire talent pool. One way to begin is to de-bias our job advertisements and the language we use in them. We must scrutinize the job descriptions we use in our job advertisements. Let us cast a wide net and use inclusive language.