HR Best Practices

Beneath the Surface: The Blind Spots of Anti-Racism Training in North America

Anti-racism training in America and Canada primarily aims to make individuals aware of these biases and adjust their tinted glasses. But herein lies the first blind spot: focusing on the individual rather than the system. People can be made aware of their biases, but change is unlikely if the environment they return to perpetuates the same prejudices. Think of it as cleaning a drop of ink in a pool with more ink continuously poured.

HR, government, and business insights on diversity, anti-racism training, tech oversight, and inclusive best practices for a modern workplace.

Everything that's wrong with Human Resources and how to fix it

In this blog post, we will look in-depth at everything wrong with HR and offer practical solutions for fixing it. By understanding the current issues and real-world examples of successful implementations of HR strategies, you too can have a functioning Human Resources machine humming along in sync with everyone else!

Closing the Gap: Bridging the Divide Between HR and Diversity for Meaningful Change

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is bridging the gap between diversity initiatives within Human Resources and their tangible shift in corporate culture. It requires changes in mindsets, practices, policies, and resources - ultimately leading to a transformation in an organization's values system. Discover how to create inclusive workplaces, promote diversity initiatives, and cultivate equity and inclusion. Gain valuable HR best practices and practical steps towards meaningful change.