Organizational Culture

Reverse-Mentoring: A Novel Approach to Deepening Diversity and Inclusion

Reverse-Mentoring: A Novel Approach to Deepening Diversity and Inclusion

The call for diversity and inclusion has become a rallying cry in our ever-evolving workplaces. While many organizations have jumped on the bandwagon, few have ventured beyond the superficial to create meaningful change. One intriguing method that has caught the attention of forward-thinkers is reverse-mentoring. Rather than viewing mentorship in the traditional sense—where senior executives impart wisdom to younger employees—reverse mentoring flips the script.

Explore innovative strategies for inclusive leadership, diversity, and mentorship, tailored for HR professionals, CEOs, and leadership roles.

From Value Builders to Value Drainers: Can You Spot the Difference in Your Team?

There are employees in your organization who are destroying value. Then there are those who are building it. How do you know the difference? For a deep dive into team dynamics, uncover the distinction between value builders and drainers, and optimize organizational success.