Hiring and retaining

What CEOs Should Know When Hiring a Chief Diversity Officer

In the wake of several high-profile diversity scandals, more and more companies are turning to Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs) for help creating an inclusive culture. Yet all too often, CEOs fail to consider exactly how important a CDO can be to ensure a workplace of consistent respect and equality. Acting as game changers, those leading organizations' diversity efforts play a critical role in achieving targeted goals — if they're given the right resources from their employers. It's up to chief executives, then, to learn the fundamentals before moving forward with hiring someone for this vital decision-making position. This blog post will discuss what CEOs should consider when looking for a professional CDO ready to bring lasting change!

How the Best Managers Recognize and Foster Talent

Every year, ineffective management costs firms billions of dollars, and too many of them may be fatal. Unfortunately, when businesses make incorrect choices in this area, there is no way to rectify the situation other than to start over from scratch.

5 Top Ways Managers Can Stop Employee Turnover

It is common for people to mention various reasons for quitting their jobs. Expectations that are just not attainable. Overwhelming amount of work. Inability to change course. Pay that isn't fair. However, the absence of a manager who made an effort to maintain employees is likely to be the most significant contributor to high employee turnover.