Inclusion and engagement

Uncovering the Actual Cost of Short-Changing Diversity and Inclusion

Discover how cutting back on resources for Diversity and Inclusion initiatives can negatively impact your business, from lost productivity to decreased employee satisfaction. Learn why investing in DEIB programs is essential for long-term success.

How the Best Managers Recognize and Foster Talent

Every year, ineffective management costs firms billions of dollars, and too many of them may be fatal. Unfortunately, when businesses make incorrect choices in this area, there is no way to rectify the situation other than to start over from scratch.

Creating a Safe Space for Open Conversation in Your Meetings

How can you make your meetings inclusive? The ultimate goal in the pursuit of better meetings is to lead with mutual respect and inclusion and to create a space where individuals feel secure enough to voice their thoughts. You can boost the flexibility, openness, and quality of dialogue in your own meetings by concentrating on two crucial areas: granting permission and fostering a safe environment.

Five Ways to Create a Belonging Culture Throughout Your Organization

Numerous studies have demonstrated that an organization's diverse representation of gender, age, color, sexual orientation, and cultural identities predict success. Employers that thrive in the emerging economy can attract and retain a talent pool that closely resembles the diverse population.

Belonging: How DEI and Engagement Come Together

The pandemic has shown us that, deep down, we all want to connect with other people. Things like depression, anxiety, and other health problems get worse when people don't connect. So, it shouldn't be surprising that the effects can be substantial when people feel like they belong and are connected to others. This is true not only in our private lives but also in the workplace.

Obtaining Buy-In and Delivering on DEI Objectives

Maintaining a zero-tolerance for legal risk in the DEI context is an eloquent way of stating that the company doesn't place a high value on diversity. But on the other hand, neglecting to act can have severe consequences for DEI, such as bad press, lawsuits, and employee turnover, which outweigh the benefits of gathering some data.

Is This a Case of Discrimination? In Banking More Black-owned Companies Turned Away

There's more bad news to come. According to the study, a credit card application from a black-owned business was turned down at the most significant rate. In addition, the percentage of black- and Hispanic-owned enterprises that received loans of $100,000 or more was lower than that of other ethnic groups who asked for bank funding. Is this a form of prejudice?

Connections between Inclusion and Employee Satisfaction

According to recent research, workers who are happy with their company's commitment to D&I are twice as engaged as their counterparts who are unsatisfied. In addition, according to Changeboard, employees in diverse and inclusive workplaces put in an extra 12% effort, are 19% more likely to stay with the company for an extended period, and cooperate 57% more successfully with their coworkers.