
The Most Important Six Questions to Increase Employee Engagement

But employees typically respond to the environment established by leaders and managers. One can find negative bitter angry and cynical people within the same company with the same pay under the tutelage of the same employee engagement plan. In far too many organizations the most important aspects of the equation are lost.

Why you need to be an unreasonable person to succeed

We live in an age where our lives are often punctuated by disasters, through moments when what we were certain we knew of our lives, of our relationships, meets a threatening truth. we're captivated by a state of unnecessary whining, in which absolutely everyone takes

Employee Engagement and Customer Service Strategies

How does one empower their people so they deliver exceptional customer service? Customer service is actually nebulous. It’s a vague concept that varies based on your organization, product, enterprise, and culture. Many items make this up, yet there are some employee empowerment ideas that go beyond the organization. 

Weekend Movie List from Lucy - for Women Retreat and Motivation

With the assistance of technology, we can connect to more people, to simplify our life, to automate our business and much more. But sometimes we just need to stop and relax... Our Women's Retreat..

15 Ways to Create Raving Fans in Employees and Customers

Innovation of an organization is not completed until employees and customers are respected equally. All organizations preach the mantra of employee engagement combined with improving customer service. They proliferate the traditional assumptions of command and control with smiles. As though senior management aproned, flipping burgers

Three Ways Great Leaders Build Empowerment Through Trust

The element of trust is the most significant challenge facing any organization.  The circle of trust dwindles in command and control systems where it’s “My way of the highway” and “This is the way we have always done things around here.” When managers and leaders foster a command and control style of governing