Unconscious Bias

Tactics To Overcome Unconscious Bias In The Workplace

Fully participating in the tactics to overcoming unconscious bias in the workplace helps each of us to assume responsibility for what we think, say and do. We are not hinges on a door swinging aimlessly in any direction the door swings. We are duty-bound to look forward not in weakness following “truths” that weren’t.

How Racist Are You Personally and At Work?

Regardless of your role at work, you may have been either the recipient or facilitator of racism and discrimination in your life or organization. A conversation about “anti-semitism, unwanted sexual advances, or misunderstandings about LGBTQ lifestyles, marginalizing others is poison for your company.” How well one communicates discrimination and unconscious bias will define one’s impact as a leader. But, even more disconcertingly our behavior as humans.

Stop. Don't Be Like Google - There is Nothing Situational About Ethics

I purchased a copy of Eric Schmidt’s book “How Google Works.” I highlighted section after section. I could not wait until my next university class to have the highlights distilled by my students. After all, my teaching was as much about changing behavior as it was about establishing an ethical culture. I had explained there was nothing situational about ethics. The right thing is always the right thing.

My excitement subsided when I recently heard of Google having paid Android founder Andy Ruben over $90 million involving sexual harassment.

Do you have ‘unconscious bias’ in hiring and promotions?

Unconscious bias isn’t as apparent as reprimanding an employee for using foul language, recruiting only a certain class or passing someone over for a promotion. In our experience, the most unconscious bias is revealed