Hr Speakers

Imagine The Business Outcomes If Human Resources Invented HR Like An Entrepreneur

HR leaders ought to assume a strategic role within their companies, instead of simply keeping busy with everyday processes such as policies, payroll, and birthdays. Moreover, hr leaders ought to try to make and strengthen a distinctive set of capabilities that provide a company its competitive advantage.

How to Confront the 8 Brutal Truths of Customer Service 

How to ensure your customer service team is proficient, empathetic, and engaged

What is the most significant factor you'll be able to do to enhance relationships with your customers? Sadly, the solution is obvious. It is frequently overlooked: improve customer service. Regardless of however ideal your product is or however proficient your employees are, one of the items that customers measure is the direct interaction they receive from your company.

Bottom line, your customer service team is on the frontlines of your customer. Good or bad they are the face of your company, and customer experience....