
The 4 Driving Forces of Great Leadership

Develop the best strategies based on reliable competitive assessments, understanding customer-behaviors, building fundamental competencies and deciding on the right areas to compete that will fulfill the desires of their shareholders. Read the 7 driving forces of great leadership with tips you can use.

3 Ways of Avoiding A Non-Inclusive Workplace Culture

As we do our best to present our “perfect” best at work we sometimes leave instead the remnants of our tattered authentic self. We long to belong despite our imperfections. We know what they are and yet hope they are oblivious to none other. There have been times we have all had to endure the ridicule and isolation of others leaving

The Top 25 Transformational Leadership Quotes

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that companies claiming to be transformational are proliferating. When one looks deeper into whether those organizations are truly redefining what they are and what they do, stories of successful change efforts are exceptionally rare. Which is why most leaders have more in common with the Wizard of Oz than Peter Drucker.

How to Master Delegation in Management

 We simply can’t do everything, but if we focus on delegation, we aren’t going to miss out on crucial opportunities. When we delegate work, we expect employees to satisfactorily complete that task. We’ve given them the guidelines with the expected outcomes with little room for creativity and problem-solving.

How Leaders Can Remain Calm Under Pressure

How leaders respond under growing pressures is an indicator of their leadership readiness, maturity and acumen. Their success at building trust is displayed in the slow ebb of diminishing innovation, customer service and disengagement.

5 Great Tips on How Servant Leadership Reduces Conflict in Teams

A truly authentic leader doesn’t make assumptions only to leap to blind conclusions. They confidently give the impression of seeing a challenging situation from many viewpoints They consult with many people for perspective and clarification to arrive at a course of action benefiting the organization and employees involved.  

What Happens When You Have Conflict in Teams

A helpful discipline for leaders is to create periods of reflection, asking themselves and others, "Is this the only method we can see to solve the situation? What could we be missing? " When faced with deadlines this is critical to achieving successful results of teambuilding.

How to Confront the 8 Brutal Truths of Customer Service 

How to ensure your customer service team is proficient, empathetic, and engaged

What is the most significant factor you'll be able to do to enhance relationships with your customers? Sadly, the solution is obvious. It is frequently overlooked: improve customer service. Regardless of however ideal your product is or however proficient your employees are, one of the items that customers measure is the direct interaction they receive from your company.

Bottom line, your customer service team is on the frontlines of your customer. Good or bad they are the face of your company, and customer experience....

The Hard Truths About Authentic Leadership

In business, we still yearn for intimate relationships that strengthens us emotionally and physically. As we desire for more success we tend to be competitive leading us not knowing how to build intimate workplace connections. We forge a façade protecting our authentic heart. We become belittling, blameful and shaming others so we can feel a bit safer.