leadership training

The 4 Driving Forces of Great Leadership

Develop the best strategies based on reliable competitive assessments, understanding customer-behaviors, building fundamental competencies and deciding on the right areas to compete that will fulfill the desires of their shareholders. Read the 7 driving forces of great leadership with tips you can use.

6 Big Ways You Can Be a Proactive Leader

Do you want to lead more effectively, especially during difficult times? Consider your leveraging these strategies as you work to nimbly navigate the unexpected, and sometimes thorny, pace of change. Whatever the size, most businesses face many of the same challenges. There are the tasks of maximizing profits, minimizing expenses and finding talented staff to keep things moving seem to be top challenges. What is different is how these challenges are prioritized. Here are five challenges facing businesses of all sizes.

Why You Must Become a More Positive Leader

What does it mean for you to become a positive leader? Positive leadership is transformational. The real leaders whose legacy is they cared, empowered and who steadfastly supported their employees. The great leaders respond to people with love and care. Such a leader who cares will respond to blunders from employees with the utmost compassion rather than the default expression of condemnation.

Training New Managers to Listen

If only 10% of managers have the talent to be great managers, how does the 90% deficit in skills impact your business?

About Jim Woods

Jim Woods is a successful trainer and President of Woods Kovalova Group, a leading management consultancy serving Board and C-level executives, managers, and individuals by helping them create a culture of leadership. He is an author, a former fifth grade and university teacher with an impressive resume. He is beloved by audiences. To schedule a speaking engagement with Jim please schedule an engagement here. Go>. Connect with him on TwitterFacebook, and Linkedin. Connect with Jim at jim@woodskovalovagroup.com.

Reimagining Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership consists of inherent tensions: You must remain true to who you are and at the same time adapt or conform to a situation all the while thinking about your worker’s needs. You must decide what's special about you that works with others. What core values compels you? How have your life experiences shaped you? What strengths differentiate you? What weaknesses