Human Resources Training

6 Big Ways You Can Be a Proactive Leader

Do you want to lead more effectively, especially during difficult times? Consider your leveraging these strategies as you work to nimbly navigate the unexpected, and sometimes thorny, pace of change. Whatever the size, most businesses face many of the same challenges. There are the tasks of maximizing profits, minimizing expenses and finding talented staff to keep things moving seem to be top challenges. What is different is how these challenges are prioritized. Here are five challenges facing businesses of all sizes.

How To Fix Employee Engagement

The untold truth about employee engagement is when employees experience a combination of effective and caring leadership appealing to employee development opportunities. One produces a number, the other real results towards business outcomes. Not the company picnic where one marvels at the CEO flipping burgers but real-world engagement i.e. servant leadership reduces attrition saving you millions. 

Making HR a True Business Partner for Competitive Advantage

As the speed of business accelerates and competition intensifies, firms in nearly all industries are braving greater uncertainty and complexity. In the midst of such challenges, human resources have the potential to be an important asset by making certain that their organization has the human capital they need to vie and also the ability to react quickly to ever-changing environments. This is after all the age of speed.

Why We Should Bid Farewell to HR

I have spoken with numerous executives who are quietly frustrated in their human resources department.  Faced with business outcomes they would ideally prefer to use their chief human resource officers in precisely the way they use their CFOs; as sounding boards and trusted advisors who understand real-world business

Imagine The Business Outcomes If Human Resources Invented HR Like An Entrepreneur

HR leaders ought to assume a strategic role within their companies, instead of simply keeping busy with everyday processes such as policies, payroll, and birthdays. Moreover, hr leaders ought to try to make and strengthen a distinctive set of capabilities that provide a company its competitive advantage.

Real Leaders Cultivate Leadership Not Followership

What are your assumptions about your leadership style? How about your reasons for being a leader? Let’s play a game to see if all the talk about leadership has meant anything after all. Imagine you do not have the advantages of title. See, if

Are HR Trends New or Simply "Redusted"?

Gallup states that over 70% of managers are incompetent. Great article by Jim Clifton of Gallup. That being said what would better managers do for your hiring and retention, customer service, innovation and bottomline? Employee engagement is such an overused expression tantamount to diversity or women in business.