
Making Leadership Communication Effective

Authentic leadership requires establishing a genuine connection with people. Most certainly not dictatorial stances incumbent of keeping them in their places. A form of hierarchal control prevalent in low achieving ..

Reimagining Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership consists of inherent tensions: You must remain true to who you are and at the same time adapt or conform to a situation all the while thinking about your worker’s needs. You must decide what's special about you that works with others. What core values compels you? How have your life experiences shaped you? What strengths differentiate you? What weaknesses

How Managers Can Stand Up for Low Performers

Managers who are personally, high achievers may find it difficult to focus on low performers. The weakness of these A-type managers is that if they can't do something right the first time, they give up or they manufacture a compelling rationale that explains why it is not worth the effort to improve employee satisfaction.

How To Fix Employee Engagement

The untold truth about employee engagement is when employees experience a combination of effective and caring leadership appealing to employee development opportunities. One produces a number, the other real results towards business outcomes. Not the company picnic where one marvels at the CEO flipping burgers but real-world engagement i.e. servant leadership reduces attrition saving you millions. 

Weekend Movie List from Lucy - for Women Retreat and Motivation

With the assistance of technology, we can connect to more people, to simplify our life, to automate our business and much more. But sometimes we just need to stop and relax... Our Women's Retreat..

How Leaders Can Remain Calm Under Pressure

How leaders respond under growing pressures is an indicator of their leadership readiness, maturity and acumen. Their success at building trust is displayed in the slow ebb of diminishing innovation, customer service and disengagement.

Jim Woods Create Your Work-Life Breakthrough

Most of us aspire to live a balanced life. We want to spend the appropriate amount of time and energy in each aspect of our lives. Yet, often our lives fall out of balance due to workplace stress or changes, an accident or injury, an unpredicted event, or even a small worry that grows larger with each passing day.

5 Great Tips on How Servant Leadership Reduces Conflict in Teams

A truly authentic leader doesn’t make assumptions only to leap to blind conclusions. They confidently give the impression of seeing a challenging situation from many viewpoints They consult with many people for perspective and clarification to arrive at a course of action benefiting the organization and employees involved.  

Making HR a True Business Partner for Competitive Advantage

As the speed of business accelerates and competition intensifies, firms in nearly all industries are braving greater uncertainty and complexity. In the midst of such challenges, human resources have the potential to be an important asset by making certain that their organization has the human capital they need to vie and also the ability to react quickly to ever-changing environments. This is after all the age of speed.

Why We Should Bid Farewell to HR

I have spoken with numerous executives who are quietly frustrated in their human resources department.  Faced with business outcomes they would ideally prefer to use their chief human resource officers in precisely the way they use their CFOs; as sounding boards and trusted advisors who understand real-world business

What Happens When You Have Conflict in Teams

A helpful discipline for leaders is to create periods of reflection, asking themselves and others, "Is this the only method we can see to solve the situation? What could we be missing? " When faced with deadlines this is critical to achieving successful results of teambuilding.

How Management Corrupts Customer Service and The Employees That Serve Them

Yes, it really is the fault of management. Your attrition rate is high. You are losing competitive advantage. In meetings, the only people to speak up are the usuals. You know them. You lose money due to lack of employee engagement that leads to dismal customer service ratios .... but alas, you don't care. Hear that knock?

Imagine The Business Outcomes If Human Resources Invented HR Like An Entrepreneur

HR leaders ought to assume a strategic role within their companies, instead of simply keeping busy with everyday processes such as policies, payroll, and birthdays. Moreover, hr leaders ought to try to make and strengthen a distinctive set of capabilities that provide a company its competitive advantage.